I am an Iranian living in the United States. Although I have started a new life in the United States, I always carry Iran's memory and the people I love. Indeed, I am floating between two homes; my old house in Iran and my new home in the United States. My apartment has a small table where I keep and grow some pretty plants. I care for them like how I care about the memory of Iran. I wish I could plant my family members and friends some green plants and have them in my American home. This table and the plants symbolize my utopia where my old and new homes merged, and I can enjoy both. In this illustration, I have depicted this table and the plants. The table symbolizes Iran, and the plants that are morphed into some human bodies, represent my beloved people. I have located this table in my American apartment because I wish I could merge my Iranian and American homes to create my utopia.

Presented by
• Utopia, Tapirulan Illustrators Contest, Cremona, Italy, 2021

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